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Our Story

How it all started...

Since its inception, Park Place has always had a focus on ministering to its community.

Tracing its roots back to December 14, 1942 when 13 members founded the church in Portland, the church has a heritage of faithful disciples following God’s call to minister where they live. Having no church building, the members would meet where they could in the Portland area for weekend services with weekly meetings taking place in several homes spread across the area. Also, in hopes of reaching their different communities, the members of the church would hold Sunday School in various locations.

One such location was the old, unused Park Place Community Church building in the Clackamas Heights area of Oregon City. With a vision of serving the young families returning from World War II, the church focused upon the work God was calling them to in this small corner of the Portland-metro area. And, in 1948 official recognition was given of the work being done, officially establishing the Clackamas Heights Holiness Methodist Church with Ms. Helen Dodd serving as pastor. During this time the church’s focus remained upon serving the families of the community, especially the young children.

In 1969, the Holiness Methodist Denomination joined the newly formed Evangelical Church (ECNA) denomination and the church changed its name to Park Place Community Church. Later it would drop Community and added Evangelical. It has just recently renamed itself Park Place Church.

Changes and Challenges...

Since its founding, the church has had its challenges. There were times of a great harvest of souls and other times of spiritual drought. There were times where we were challenged about the future of the church here; should we close, merge, or hold steady and pray for direction.

There were challenges of three major building projects in 1968, 1976, and 2001 which gave the church its current footprint. What seemed impossible to man by way of financial funding was made possible by God. Each of these projects have allowed the church to better accommodate the needs of our church and community.

Pastoral involvement...

Along with that, pastoral changes presented their own challenges whether it was after 2 years or 29 years of service. Although the congregation welcomed many student pastors in its early days, the recent years have brought some longer serving pastors who were able to bring continuity and stability into our midst. They have helped us have a continuing vision for the community, whereby we have continued to minister to it. There have been children’s VBS and rallies, Corn feeds and Chili Cook-offs for the whole family, and involvement with the local schools and businesses.

In fulfillment of the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20, the church has seen individuals called out to be pastors, missionaries and even Godly laymen. The church has a bountiful involvement in missions both at home and abroad. But still there remains a core of individuals at the church who are committed to serving the community here at home. 

Expanding our vision...

As the community around us changes, we desire to be an anchor of hope for all that surrounds our physical building.
We are small enough to maintain the family feeling, yet large enough to care for the community well.
We are what the Bible asks us to be in our community,  "salt and light" shining as the light on a hill for all to see.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together for Sunday School at 9:45 am and Church Service at 11 am.