Hey there


For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Serving at Park Place Church is more than just doing "work".
Taking your time to give to others within the walls of the church as well as outside the church is a valuable gift that we appreciate greatly.  

There are numerous ways that you can give of your time at Park Place.  We are looking to train and build others up in the gifts that the Lord has given them.  

From childcare to vacuuming the hallways, decorating for special occasions or watering flowers, no job is too little!  

All volunteers that would like to participate in serving within the church are required to complete three items on the volunteer checklist.
1. Each volunteer must have been part of the Park Place Church community for at least six months before applying to work as a volunteer.  
2.  Each volunteer must complete an online safety training through the church and through a third party safety company.  This training walks volunteers through the signs of abuse in youth and children.  It walks adults through how to handle these situations if they are to ever come into contact with a child /youth or adult in a compromised situation.  
3. Each volunteer must complete a background check.

We love making sure our children and youth are well cared for thus we take these volunteer checklist items very seriously.  We want the people who walk through our doors to understand our commitment to safety and security for youth and children as well as each and every person who is in the building.  

Do you have a gift or talent that you know will benefit our church community, please use the contact form below to see how you can get involved in the ministries at Park Place Church.

Volunteer at Park Place Church

Worship team

Hospatality team

Children's Ministry

Decoration team

Have a gifting you want to share?  Contact the church office for more information!

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

The first question that we need to ask you is this...
"Have you been part of the Park Place Church community for more than 6 months? "

 We are excited that you are wanting to jump in and serve with us!  At Park Place, we want you to get to know us as we get to know you!  Take some time to understand how our unique structure with Sunday School and Main Sunday service looks and where you could see yourself serving.  When the time is right, contact Mandy in the office for more details on how to get signed up for the Volunteer class, safety training and background check!

How do I volunteer with kids?

Great question!  We want you to know that we take our children and youth ministry service to heart.  We want to build the next generation of Jesus followers with a firm foundation.  

We have a three step process for volunteering with kids. after you have been attending Park Place Church regularly for six months or more.  
1. Volunteer class once a year
2. Online safety training
3. Background check

After approval, new volunteers are partnered with  current volunteers.  We make sure that adults are always working together for the betterment of the classroom.  
You can get to know each of the different types of classrooms and which one you would prefer to volunteer in most often.  
Email Nancy Duhrkoop (infant-garde 5 Children's director)
Anna Shelton (Youth 6th-12th grade director)
to ask about the needs for volunteers.

How do I volunteer with music?

I'm glad you asked!  We are excited to worship each Sunday morning!  Volunteering with the music and worship team requires the same three step process as working with  children and youth.  
After you have been attending Park Place Church regularly for six months or more., you may apply to become a volunteer with the music and worship team.
1. Volunteer class once a year
2. Online safety training
3. Background check

Jon Landas is the head of the music and worship team.  Take time to connect with him about the beautiful sets he and his team put together each Sunday, by emailing him.

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.